The masthead on this website is very outstanding and eye catching. It is recognisable as the rolling stones are a well known band and the Rolling stone magazine may crab the fans attentions but then again may push people who aren't fans away. The saying 'A rolling stone gathers no moss' this suggest that the stones always moving forward, not ties down to anything, a free spirit if you will. This could suggest that the website always has new updates, new things to share, it's varied so that it's not just completely based around one thing. Another thing i would like to point out is that it is in the middle and the top of the page which is unusual as the masthead is usually at the top left. The fact that the masthead is closely related to the band may make people assume that the type of music in the website will be from the same genre as the band is.
Design and Layout:
The layout is cluttered and there's a lot going on, the cluttered look could also be compared to the rolling stones band as they were quit messy looking. However despite the website looking busy it's quit organised as the links at the top are clearly and neatly laid out. The information and pictures and videos are everywhere around the page, although they do have columns in which to structure the website. The whole look of the website is quite fun and there's a lot to look at, each subheading has a different design which is exciting and nice to look at.
The colours of the webpage also relate closely to the rolling stones band again using the three colour rule; red, white and black. Even though the colours of the website are plain, it's not too plain where you'd just want to click off it and look somewhere else. Me personally i wanted to explore the website because of layout, colours, font and design.
The use of Images around the blog make it look busy and nice to look at, it's something that catches your eye and makes you want to look further into the website to see what it has to offer. The images chosen are unique and attention grabbing, also a lot of them are pictures that are caught in the middle of movement which could also link to the saying 'a rolling stone gathers no moss'
The fonts used on the website are funky and very modern.